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Elon Mask has set up a company named NeuraLink, it is to open up new ways to join human brain to a computer interface. This company has requested to experiment its device on human as trial basis.
As per Elon Mask, this system has been tested on a monkey which was able to control a computer with its brain.
People with severe neurological condition can be focused with this system, believes the firm.
Future of “superhuman cognition” can be established according to Mr. Musk.
That particular device has more than 3000 electrodes linked to flexible treads, that is even thinner than human hair. This device can monitor 1000 neuron activities.
The main advantage of this device is that it can target a very specific area of the human brain that will make the surgery easier and safer. This device can also analyze recordings using machine learning which then can be used to identify the kind of stimulation should be provided to the patient.
Though NeuraLink yet didn’t explain how the device can translate brain activity or how to stimulate brain cells.
During the presentation Elon Mask said, “It’s not like suddenly we will have this incredible neural lace and will take over people’s brains. It will take a long time.”
Mr. Mask has earlier mentioned that human race can be destroyed by AI.
He said, “Even in a benign AI scenario, we will be left behind. With a high bandwidth brain machine interface, we can go along for the ride and effectively have the option of merging with AI.
A new layer of superintelligence can be created while connecting the brain with the interface.
At this moment the firm is waiting for the approval of US Food And Drug Administration.
Mr. Mask is currently looking for more scientists to recruit for the firm as the firm has only 100 employees.
An AI expert at Nasa, Krittika D’Silva said, “The technology described by NeuraLink is exciting because it is significantly less invasive than prior work in this field. The plans they describe will require many years of work to deal with technical and ethical challenges, but the technology could be a big step in working to alleviate certain serious medical conditions like epilepsy and Parkinson’s.”